
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

High School Classmates - Yen's Party V

Dagku na kaayo'g ngisi kay busog naman, van bahin bahin lang ta sa beer...

O wilpu, tarunga posing, gikurit ka ni Vanessa? Cha, di kaha ako dapat diha sa imong pwesto?

A, karon ako na jud, ako diay to nagshot ganina...

Whats up kate?

Gibo, unsa na peace? or gisungayan nimo si charo?


About This Blog

About all schoolmates and classmates batch 1995 from Bogo's Holy Family Academy, now St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo. All about news, updates and pictures, hoping to reconnect with other classmates and schoolmates who have gone to different schools, universities and colleges all around the world.

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